iPhone 11 Pro Max Unboxing

I'm so excited to share today's Article 
with you all, because I'm gonna be 
unboxing my iPhone 11 Pro Max!
It literally just came in the mail today.
but better late than never right?
Just a disclaimer that this is not a tech channel and I'm not in any way a tech expert,

so I won't be going into the technical 
details and all those techy stuff,

but I just thought it would be fun to 
do an unboxing together and film my 

The reason I got it so late was because 
I wasn't even planning on getting one.

The cameras made me feel so uncomfortable

and also because it's so



Basically I got it because I lost my 
iPhone X a few weeks ago at a festival.

You guys probably already know this if 
you follow me on Instagram,

but if you haven't, definitely go follow 
me cause that's where I put all my 

Since I lost my iPhone X, I couldn't even trade in my old phone, so I paid full price for it.

I paid about like $1,300

and my bank have been crying ever since.

Ok so let's just go ahead into the 
unboxing. I'm pretty sure you guys are 
tired of me talking.

Basically it came in a package like this


ya let me open this up.

I think I got one that was made in China, because when I checked the tracking

it says the origin was China,

but honestly I don't know if there are 
any iPhones that are made here in the 
United States

but I've heard people saying there are,

ya I'm not really sure, so comment down 
below guys, like what do you guys think?

Ok oh my God..

Ok I might be overreacting a bit in this 
video, but

who doesn't right when getting a new 


this is the iPhone guys!

Look how beautiful it is.

Ok even though I said the cameras made 
me uncomfortable,

I'm still excited to get a new phone.

Ok so something different that I noticed 
about the box is that

the box for the new iPhone is black

and I know they're usually white

and also the picture on the packaging

usually shows the front of the phone but 
this one shows the back of the phone,

because I guess they want to show off the cameras

cause that's what they're advertising 

It's getting real!

Oh my God! Guys!

Look at this!

Look at this beauty right here,

Ok so I got the one in gold


the back is matte

like I didn't know that cause my iPhone X 
was glossy
like it had a glass back,

but this one is matte!

It's like my iPhone 6 that I've been 
using after I lost my phone, temporarily

like going back to the old era.

I got the one that is 256gb,

because I can't live with 64.

It's just I have too many stuff.

Inside the box, it has this designed in 
California like they do in all the boxes.

There's the headphones and also the 

and the new adapter is different from 
the old ones.

I know for this new iPhone it's not the 
regular USB charger anymore

like one of the few things I don't like 
about Apple is

they keep making their own versions of 

cables and chargers and all those kinds 
of stuff

so people actually have to go out and 
buy more cables.

I have 5 USB adapters at home right now 
that I can't even use,

because the came out with a new,

a new,

I don't know what you call it, basically 
a different type of cable.

Ok guys I was also very prepared and got 
a few accessories

from Amazon before the phone even came,

since I wanted to use the phone right 
away when it comes.

I don't want to use it without protection since I'm a very clumsy person. I'm sure all my friends know.

So don't judge me guys, I didn't get all
these in separate orders.

I ordered them all at once, but I'm not 
sure why they came in three different 

I care for the environment so I'm also 
mad at them for wasting so much on 

First one I got is a tempered glass 
screen protector and I also got a cute
glittery pink popsocket.

If you can't already tell from my nails, 
I love glitters and pink.

And just a regular phone case.

Again glitter phone case

cause I'm extra like that.

So this wasn't actually the phone case 
that I wanted to get.

I actually ordered a customized phone 
case from Casetify,

but it's not gonna come in time. The 
expected delivery is

October 22nd

and today's only October 2nd,

so I'm not trying to wait that long to 
use my phone

so I got a temporary one just to use it 
for now.

I'm pretty sure you guys don't want to 
watch me put on all these stuff so I'm 
just gonna go ahead and turn on my phone.

It's turning on!


Ok I wish I could screen record this,

but since it's a new phone I don't think 
that's possible.

Gonna go ahead and set it up!

I'm gonna pick English.

No! No, no, no.

No, back, back.

I mean I do know Chinese, but

ya I'm not that great.


Select your country or region.

United States.

Quick start.

If you have an iPhone or iPad running on 
iOS 11,

if you want you can also set up manually.

Bring it nearby. Ok let me try to do it 
from my iPhone 6,

but I'm not sure if this is iOS 11 cause 
it's an old phone.

It works guys! Like

it says.. It just detects it.

Look at this guys, look at this.

Waiting for other iPhone

and then on my other iPhone, it says

hold your new phone up

so I'm gonna do this

Ok so this is what it says.

Enter passcode of other iPhone.

I'm not gonna let you guys know my 
password so..

Setting up your iPhone.

What does it say?

It may take a few minutes.

So it's asking me to set up face ID.


Face ID is now set up.


So it gives me the option to transfer 
data from iPhone or download from iCloud.

I honestly don't know what's the 
difference, so..

I guess if I do transfer from iPhone, 

it'll be exactly the same as my other 
phone right? So I'm gonna just do that?

Ok I don't know like if I mess up then I 
mess up.

Like I said, I'm not a techy person, 

I'm excited to use this new phone. I've 
been waiting like 2 weeks.


So the new one gives you the option to 
choose between light and dark.

Let's go with dark. I can switch it up 
later if I don't like it.

Transferring data...

It's gonna take about 30 minutes to 
finish transferring data,

so I'm just gonna end the unboxing right 

Let me know in the comments if you guys 
would like me to do a review after

actually using my phone for like a week 
or two.

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